Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 2:54-56 (article 30) 1979
Stocks Desired
J.M. Crall
- Watermelon lines with gummy stem blight resistance for crossing with the most advanced lines in our progeny selection program.
J.D. McCreight
- Chlorophyll deficient stocks and stocks having any one or more of the following genes of Cucumis melo: g, gynomonoecious; gp, green petals; h, halo cotyledons; and l, lobed leaves.
A.P.M. den Nijs
- In research for resistance to several cucumber diseases (notably Cucumber Green Mottle Mosaic Virus, black root rot caused by Phomopsis sclerotoides, and rootknot nematodes) the Institute for Horticultural Plant Breeding has started a program of inters0ecific hybridization in Cucumis. Despite vigorous acquisition efforts the available Asiatic wild and feral material remains scanty. These accessions deserve much evaluation because less severe hybridization problems are to be expected. Therefore, we request any wild or feral cucumber material of Asiatic origin, including the Turkey-Lebanon area. Screening data, identification, somatic chromosome number and crossing behavior will be supplied.
M. Pitrat
- Material resistant to CMV and WMV.
R.W. Robinson
- Cucurbita californica
- Cucurbita fraterna
- Cucurbita galleattii
- Cucurbita mammeata
- Cucurbita mooreii
- Cucurbita pedatifolia
- Cucurbita radicans
- Cucurbita scabridfolia
- Cucurbita globosum
- Cucurbita gossweileri
- Cucurbita halabarda
- Cucurbita homblei
- Cucurbita hystrix
- Cucurbita kalahariensis
- Cucurbita laevigatus
- Cucurbita lyratus
- Cucurbita microspermus
- Cucurbita muriculatus
- Cucurbita purpureus
- Cucurbita quintanilhae
- Cucurbita rigidus
- Cucurbita sacleuxii
- Cucurbita sereti
- Cucurbita seretoides
- Cucurbita setosus
- Cucurbita sonderis
- Cucurbita subsericeus
- Cucurbita umbrosus
- Cucurbita welwitschii
- Cucurbita wildemanianus
- Cucumis cogiauxianus
- Cucumis mascatensis
Any species of the following genera:
- Abobra
- Acanthosicyos
- Actinostemma
- Adenopus
- Ahzolia
- Anguria
- Antinostemma
- Bambekea
- Biswarea
- Blastania
- Calycophysum
- Cephalandra
- Cerasiocarpum
- Ceratosanthes
- Cionosicyos
- Cogniauxia
- Ctenolepis
- Cucumella
- Cucurbitella
- Dactyliandra
- Dendrosicyos
- Dicadiospermum
- Dicaelospermum
- Dieudonnaea
- Dimorphochlamp
- Doyerea
- Edgaria
- Edmondia
- Eureiandra
- Fevillea
- Frantzia
- Gomphygyne
- Guraniopsis
- Gyrrardanthus
- Halosicyos
- Helmonthia
- Herpetospermum
- Hodgsonia
- Hymenosicyos
- Marah
- Melancium
- Melothrianthus
- Microsechium
- Myrmecosicyos
- Oreosyce
- Penelopeia
- Peponia
- Peponopsis
- Physedra
- Pittera
- Posadaea
- Praecitrullus
- Raphanocarpus
- Raphidiocystis
- Rhynchocarpa
- Rosanthus
- Ruthalicia
- Schizocarpon
- Sechiopsis
- Selysia
- Sicydium
- Tecunumania
- Toxanthera
- Trochomeriopsis
- Tumamoca
- Warea
- Wilbrandia
- Zanonia
- Zygosicyos
Stocks for Exchange
W.P. Bemis
- Cucurbita foetidissima, Buffalo gourd, Arizona Hybrid #1, (158 x 142). This hybrid seed has beebn produced utilizing the gynoecious character segregating in experimental lines of C. foetidissima. It represents a relatively homogeneous seed source when compared to composites of wild collections.
J. M. Crall
- Watermelon lines with large fruit size, combined resistance to wilt and anthracnose, intense red flesh color, and high soluble solids juice; also we could furnish small samples of seed of our mosaic-tolerant (?) lines.
T.P. den Nijs
We are offering a number of accessions of wild Cucumis material, most of which has been obtained from botanical gardens, with no stated origin. PI accessions are not included.
- Cucumis africanus
- * 0162 H,V, Naaldwijk, Neth.
- * 0181 H,V, HB Kopenhagen, Den.
- Cucumis anguria
- * 0198 H.V. HB Pisa, IT.
- 0330 HB Coimbra, Port.
- 1164 Suriname (W.I.G.)
- 1757 HB Canberra (Austr.)
- 1758 HB Kew, Eng.
- Cucumis callosis
- 1706 VIR, USSR
- *1739 H,V. IARI, India
- 1761 Hyderabad, India
- Cucumis dipsaceus
- * 0163 H.V. Naaldwijk, Neth.
- 1728 Curacao
- 1733 VIR, USSR
- 1744 ZGK DDR
- Cucumis figarei
- * 1706 H.V. VIR, USSR
- Cucumis melo var. agrestis
- 1165 H,V. North Nigeria
- *1743 H.V. Turkey
- Cucumis metuliferus
- *0164 H.V. Naaldwijk, Neth.
- 1734 VIR, USSR
- 1747 ZGK, DDR
- 1768 Bormingham, Engl.
- 1771 Providenti, Geneva, NY, USA
- Cucumis myriocarpus
- * 0165 H.V. Naaldwijk, Neth.
- *0182 HB Kopenhagen, Den.
- *0184 H.V. HB Kew, Engl.
- 0202 H.V. Poznan, Pol.
- 1735 VIR, USSR
- 1737 H.V. HB Lyon, Fr.
- *1742 H.V. HB Lodz, Pol.
- 1749 HB Salisbury, Zimbabwe
- 1750 ZGK, DDR
- 1763 HB Gottingen, BRD
- Cucumis prophetarum
- 1690 Weibull, Sweden
- 1736 VIR, USSR
- 1751 HB Mozambique
- 1752 Swarup, India
- Cucumis hardwickii
- 1738 VIR, USSR
- 1759 Kohli, India
NOTE: The accessions marked with an asterisk (*) are available now; others should be increased by October, 1978. The accessions marked with H.V. have been identified by IVT’s Dept. of Taxonomy.
A.M. Rhodes
- Cucurbita mixta cv. ‘Mixta Gold’, available for preliminary trial. A mutant of ‘Green Striped Cushaw’; fruits mostly golden in color with underside green. Like other cvs. it is more susceptible to powdery mildew than C. moschata. Compare with ‘Green Striped Cushaw’. Probable use: Ornamental. C. sororia, C. gracillior, C. Palmeri, C. andreana and C. texana.
R.W. Robinson
- Cucurbita andreana
- Cucurbita ecuadorensis
- Cucurbita foetidissima
- Cucurbita lundelliana
- Cucurbita okeechobeensis
- Cucurbita texana
J.C. Taylor
- Watermelon, sources of resistance to Fusarium wilt and lines with good internal quality.