1980 Resolution and Notes

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:ii-iv (introduction) 1980


Resolution and notes of organization meeting, October 28, 1976, Denver Hilton, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

The following resolution was adopted by research workers interested in organizing the Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative:

  • The Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative is organized to develop and advance the genetics of economically important cucurbits.
  • Membership to this Cooperative is voluntary and open to workers who have an interest in Cucurbit Genetics (an invitation to participate is extended to all Horticulturists, Entomologists, Plant Pathologists, Geneticists, and others with an interest in Cucurbits).
  • Reports of the Cooperative will be issued on an annual basis. The reports will include articles submitted by members and for the use of the members of the Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative. None of the information in the annual report may be used in publications without the consent of the respective authors for a period of five years. After five years, the information may be used in publications without the consent of the authors.


Further, dues for the Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative (CGC) will be $2.50 per year and will be used to defray costs of preparation and mailing of the annual report. Members from outside the U.S.A. are encouraged to pay dues in at least two-year increments because of bank charges incurred for clearing checks. Only postal money orders or checks drawn on U.S. banks are acceptable. The annual report will include four sections: Research Notes, Stocks and Germplasm desired or for Exchange, Membership Directory, and Financial Statement. Other sections will be added in future reports as desired, i.e. gene lists, linkage groups, etc.

In accordance with the above resolution, we requested that an invitation to join the CGC be published in the following:

  • Agronomy News
  • Euphytica
  • HortScience
  • Journal of Economic Entomology
  • Journal of Heredity
  • Phytopath News

We are most pleased to acknowledge the assistance of the editors of these publications.

Report of Third Annual Meeting

by Warren R. Henderson

The third annual meeting of the Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative was held in conjunction with the American Society for Horticultural Science on August 2, 1979 at Columbus, OH. There were 19 in attendance including seedsmen, processing industry representatives, and experiment station and USDA personnel. The meeting was chaired by R. L. Lower. He reported on publication of CGC Report No. 2 and the financial status of CGC; the cost for publication and mailing of CGC Report No. 2 was $216.70 and left a balance of $178.09.

J. D. McCreight was appointed chairman of the By-Laws Committee. R. W. Robinson was appointed chairman of the Gene List Committee that was composed as follows: Todd Wehner, cucumber; J. D. McCreight, muskmelon; W. R. Henderson, watermelon; C. A. John, Cucurbita spp.; and R. W. Robinson, other general and species.

Various methods of dues payment and the advisability of an annual basis or biennial basis were discussed. The consensus was to do whatever the Coordinating Committee deemed financially prudent.

The advisability of publishing abstracts of theses dealing with cucurbits was discussed and was to be considered for implementation in future reports.

Comments from the Coordinating Committee

by Richard L. Lower

The 1980 Annual Meeting of the CGC will be held at Fort Collins, CO, U.S.A. during the American Society for Horticultural Science meetings from July 27 to August 2. Consult the local program for time and location.

The call for papers for the 1981 report will go out in November, 1980, and they should be submitted to the Coordinating Committee by January 31, 1981. Hopefully, the fourth report will be published by June, 1981.

We are eager to hear from the membership regarding the future direction of the CGC. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the assistance of Grace Ebert who was responsible for the typing, proofing, and duplicating of this report. We express our sincere appreciation.

  • Coordinating Committee
  • W. P. Bemis (Cucurbita spp.)
  • W. R. Henderson (watermelon)
  • J. D. Norton (muskmelon)
  • M. L. Robbins (cucumber)
  • R. W. Robinson (other genera and species)
  • R. L. Lower, Chairman

The chairman thanks all of the Coordinating Committee for their assistance and J. D. McCreight for his efforts in developing the By-Laws.

Announcement of Cucurbit Related Meetings

by Richard L. Lower

Cucurbitaceae Conference

A conference on the Biology and Chemistry of the Cucurbitaceae will be held at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, on August 4-6, 1980. You are cordially invited to attend.

The program will be organized in three sections dealing respectively with the broader canvas (taxonomic, morphological, and chemical surveys of the family), cucurbits in the ecosystem (ecological and evolutionary aspects), and cucurbits in cultivation (physiology, genetics, and breeding).

The conference will be hosted by the Bailey Hortorium, founded by the late renowned cucurbitologist, Liberty Hyde Bailey, at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. It is located in the scenic Finger Lakes area of central New York about 50 miles (80 km) south of Syracuse. The airport at Ithaca is served by U.S. Air, which also connects with New York City, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Syracuse, and other U.S. cities. Greyhound Bus also provides transportation to Ithaca.

A bus will be provided to visit a state park, the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva (50 miles northwest of Ithaca) where a special demonstration planting of species and mutants of the Cucurbitaceae will be made for the conference, and to a seed company producing F1 hybrid Cucurbita seed.

Housing will be provided in a dormitory of Cornell University at a cost of $8.00 per night for a single room and $11.25 double. The registration fee of $40.00 ($35.00 if received before the conference) will include bus transportation, a barbeque and banquet, and all lunches.

Arrangements for the Cucurbitaceae Conference have been made by D. M. Bates, Director of the Bailey Hortorium, Cornell University; C. Jeffrey, Kew Gardens; and R. W. Robinson. For more information about the conference, write to R. W. Robinson, Seed & Vegetable Sciences Department, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY 14456, U.S.A.

EUCARPIA Conference

The EUCARPIA Cucumber and Melon Breeding Conference is scheduled for August 19-22, 1980, at the Institute for Horticultural Plant Breeding, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Contact Ton P. M. den Nijs, Institute for Horticultural Plant Breeding, Mansholtlaan 15, Wageningen, The Netherlands, for additional information.


CGC Report No. 2, page 37, line 18 should read “44%” rather than “55%”.