Fruit Development in Summer Squash in Relation to the Number of Stigmatic Lobes Receiving Pollen

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:48 (article 29) 1980 Vincent J. Tepedino Utah State University, UMC 53, Logan, UT 84322 Although insects are necessary for the pollination of monoecious summer squash, Cucurbita pepo, it is not known if insect visitors must deposit pollen on all three stigmatic lobes of the pistillate flower for normal fruit development to […]

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Comparison of Squash and Honey Bees as Pollinators of Summer Squash

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:48 (article 28) 1980 Vincent J. Tepedino Utah State University, UMC 53, Logan, UT 84322 Observations and experiments were conducted to ascertain if the specialized squash bee Peponopis pruinosa is superior to the honey bee Apis mellifera as a pollinator of summer squash, Cucurbita pepo, var. Italian Black Zucchini. The study site was the Greenville Farm […]

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Synonymy of Cucurbita martinezii and C. okeechobeensis

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:45-46 (article 26) 1980 R. W. Robinson and J. T. Puchalski New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY 14456 (first author); Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland (second author) The okeechobee gourd was first given the name Pepo okeechobeensis by Small in 1930 (7). Bailey (2) retained the […]

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Bitter Cucurbita Hybrids as Baits for Diabroticite Beetle Control

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:44 (article 25) 1980 A. M. Rhodes, R. L. Metcalf, and E. R. Metcalf University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 We reported previously (1) that the leaves and fruits of bitter Cucurbita spp., e.g. C. andreana containing up to 0.3% cucurbitacins B and D and C. texana containing up to 0.1% cucurbitacin E-glycoside, were very […]

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Gibberellic Acid Treatment to Improve Germination of Cucurbit Seed

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:43 (article 24) 1980 J.T. Puchalski and R.W. Robinson Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland (first author); New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY 14456 (second author) Seed dormancy is not infrequent with wild species of the Cucurbitaceae. Temperature modification (1) can overcome the dormancy of […]

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Realization of the Interspecific Hybridization (F1 and BC1) Between Cucurbita pepo and C. ecuadorensis

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:42 (article 23) 1980 R. Dumas de Vaulx and M. Pitrat Station d’Amelioration des Plantes Maraicheres, I.N.R.A., Domaine Saint Maurice, 84140 Montfavet-Avignon, France Cucurbita ecuadorensis is resistant to the most important and common diseases of C. pepo in France: powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic virus, watermelon mosaic virus (1, 2). The interspecific cross between the […]

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