Report 14
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)
- Late male fertility in a glabrous, male-sterile (gms) watermelon line
B.B. Rhodes (USA)
CGC 14:85-89 (1991)
- Segregation data suggest male sterility genes gms and ms in watermelon are not in the same linkage group
B.A. Murdock, N.H. Ferguson and B.B. Rhodes (USA)
CGC 14:90-91 (1991)
- R309, a selection of Citrullus colocynthis with multigenic resistance to Colletotrichum lagenarium race 2
S.L. Love and B.B. Rhodes (USA)
CGC 14:92-97 (1991)
- Screening of domestic and wild Citrullus germplasm for resistance to the yellow-stunting disorder in the United Arab Emirates
A.A. Hassan, N.E. Quronfilah, U.A. Obaji, M.A. Al-Rays and M.S. Wafi (U.A.E.)
CGC 14:98-101 (1991)
- A strategy toward varietal resistance to watermelon fruit blotch
B.B. Rhodes, N.V. Desamero and Xingping Zhang (USA and P.R. China)
CGC 14:102-103 (1991)
- Allozyme diversity at the Pgi-2 locus in landraces of Citrullus lanatus from Zimbabwe
D. Benscher and R. Provvidenti (USA)
CGC 14:104-106 (1991)
- Plant regeneration from callus cultures of Citrullus colocynthis
T.W. Frazier and J.O. Kuti (USA)
CGC 14:107-108 (1991)
- Obtention of haploid plants induced by irradiated pollen in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus)
N. Gursoz, K. Abak, M. Pitrat, J.C. Rode and R. Dumas de Vaulx (Turkey and France)
CGC 14:109-110 (1991)