CGC Report No. 18
Melon (Cucumis melo)
- A combining ability study in muskmelon Using line x tester analysis
M.S. Dhaliwal (India)
CGC 18:34-36 (1995) - A virescent mutant in melon
M. Pitrat, C. Olivier and M. Ricard (France)
CGC 18:37 (1995) - Cochleare folium, a mutant with spoon-shaped leaf in melon
M. LeCouviour, M. Pitrat, C. Olivier and M. Ricard (France)
CGC 18:37 (1995) - Interaction between monoecy and male sterility in melon
M. Pitrat (France)
CGC 18:38-39 (1995) - New sources for powdery mildew resistance in melon from Spanish local cultivars
E. Floris and J.M. Alvarez (Spain)
CGC 18:40-42 (1995) - Field screening of melon varieties and lines for multiple race resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis
T.L. Zuniga and T.A. Zitter (USA)
CGC 18:43 (1995) - Specificity of transmission of melon yellowing viruses by Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Bemisia tabaca
C. Soria, A.I.L. Sese, and M.L. Gomez-Guillamon (Spain)
CGC 18:44 (1995) - Screening of melons for silverleaf whitefly resistance: 1994
James D. McCreight (USA)
CGC 18:45-47 (1995) - Regeneration response of genetic marker lines and commercial cultivars of Cucumis melo L.
Jaagrati Jain and T.A. More (India)
CGC 18:48-49 (1995) - A simple and inexpensive method for DNA extraction from Cucumis melo L.
Sylvie Baudracco-Arnas (France)
CGC 18:50-51 (1995)