Efficiency of Haploid Production in Cucumber

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 19:36-37 (article 14) 1996

G. Caglar, K. Abak
Horticultural REsearch Institute, Erdemli, Icel, Turkey, Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Cukurova, Adana, Turkey

Introduction. A method of double haploid production induced by irradiated pollen, used routinely in melon breeding programs is promising for use in cucumber (3,4,5,6) . Since 1992 we have recovered haploid plants from several cucumber genotypes using an adaptation of this method. Initially, we determined the optimal irradiation dose and pollination season for cucumber. The success of this method, however, can be criticized because the criteria regarding the success in these studies seemed insufficient. Therefore, we designed a study which utilized the “Haploid Production Efficiency” (HPE 1) concept which takes into account “the number of haploid plants regenerated per fruit” as well s its components.

Materials & Methods. Eight F1 hybrid cultivars and 2 inbred lines were used in 1995. Young, rapid developing and healthy plants were used for pollinations. Female flowers of the plants were polllinated on the 23rd and the 238th of June with 300 Gy gamma irradiated pollen (2). the following variables were recorded: S/F (the number of seeds/fruit) E/S (the number of embryos/fruit), P/E (the number of haploid plants regeneratd.100 seeds) and HPE (the number of haploid plants regenerated/fruit).

Results & Discussion. The number of fruits, seeds, embryos, haploid plants and HPE with its components are presented in Table 1. Variability was observed among genotypes for fruit number. This variation might be the result of pollination and/or genotype differences.

The mean S.F was low (115.2). This was due to parthenocarpy recorded in the gynoecious F1 hybrids when grown in a greenhouse. The mean E/S was 2.9, and was as high as 5.36 in ‘Passandra’. Generally, E.Ss in most cultivars were considered to be relatively high when compared with the previous studies (4,6). The mean E./F was low (3.30). This was due to high number of soft embryos. Accordingly, P/Ss of the cultivars were adversely affected (with a mean of 0.9). The mean HPE was 1.1 and as high as 1.7 in some cultivars. Those data indicate the utility and efficiency of the method used.

High values of S/F and E.S are desirable. Normally, high P/S and HPE values are expected when E/S and/or E/F values are high. However, this may not always be the case since those two components are also affected by P/E which, in turn, is closely related to quality of embryos. Therefore, S.F, E/S and P/E should be high in order to reach a sufficient HPE.

Table 1. The number of cucumber fruits, seeds, embryos, plants and S/F (seed/fruit), EIS (embryos/100 seeds), FJF (embryos/fruit) and PIS (haploid plants regenerated/100 seeds), PIE (haploid plants regenerated/100 embryos), HPE (haploid plants regenerated/fruit) observed during haploid production.


No. of fruits

No. of seeds

No. of embryos

No. of plants







Efes 9 1238 31 11 137.6 2.50 3.44 0.89 35.5 1.2
Ceren 9 652 29 4 72.4 4.45 3.22 0.67 13.8 0.4
Passandra 7 616 33 5 88.0 5.36 4.71 0.81 15.2 0.7
Nile 7 787 13 5 112.4 1.65 1.86 0.64 38.5 0.7
Ece 7 717 20 7 102.4 2.79 2.86 0.98 35.0 1.0
Alara 6 626 24 10 104.3 3.83 4.00 1.60 41.7 1.7
1404 6 846 21 10 141.0 2.48 3.50 1.18 47.6 1.7
Melisa 6 1002 9 8 167.0 0.90 1.50 0.80 88.9 1.3
F6z 6 731 20 7 121.8 2.74 3.33 0.96 35.0 1.2
F4z 5 620 24 4 124.0 3.87 4.80 0.67 16.7 0.8
Total 68 7835 224 72
Mean 115.2 2.90 3.30 0.90 32.1 1.1

zInbred lines

Literature Cited

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