Monitoring and Controlling Corn Rootworm Beetles with Baits of Dried Bitter Cucurbita Hybrids

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 4:37-38 (article 20) 1981 Metcalf, R. L., A. M. Rhodes and E. R. Metcalf* Departments of Entomology and Horticulture, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801 Recently we reported (1) that fruits of two hybrid species of Cucurbita, C. texana x C. pepo and C. andreana x C. maxima combined the genetic […]

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Bitter Cucurbita Hybrids as Baits for Diabroticite Beetle Control

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:44 (article 25) 1980 A. M. Rhodes, R. L. Metcalf, and E. R. Metcalf University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801 We reported previously (1) that the leaves and fruits of bitter Cucurbita spp., e.g. C. andreana containing up to 0.3% cucurbitacins B and D and C. texana containing up to 0.1% cucurbitacin E-glycoside, were very […]

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