Synonymy of Cucurbita martinezii and C. okeechobeensis

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:45-46 (article 26) 1980 R. W. Robinson and J. T. Puchalski New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY 14456 (first author); Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland (second author) The okeechobee gourd was first given the name Pepo okeechobeensis by Small in 1930 (7). Bailey (2) retained the […]

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Gibberellic Acid Treatment to Improve Germination of Cucurbit Seed

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:43 (article 24) 1980 J.T. Puchalski and R.W. Robinson Botanical Garden of the Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland (first author); New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY 14456 (second author) Seed dormancy is not infrequent with wild species of the Cucurbitaceae. Temperature modification (1) can overcome the dormancy of […]

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1979 Resolution and Notes

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 2:ii-iiii (Introduction) 1979 Resolution and notes of organization meeting, October 28, 1976, Denver Hilton, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. The following resolution was adopted by research workers interested in organizing a Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative: The Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative is organized to develop and advance the genetics of economically important cucurbits. Membership to this […]

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1979 Stocks and Germplasm Desired or for Exchange

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 2:54-56 (article 30) 1979 Stocks Desired J.M. Crall Watermelon lines with gummy stem blight resistance for crossing with the most advanced lines in our progeny selection program. J.D. McCreight Chlorophyll deficient stocks and stocks having any one or more of the following genes of Cucumis melo: g, gynomonoecious; gp, green petals; h, […]

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Electrophoretic Analysis of Protein in Single Pollen Grain of Cucurbita

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 2:39 (article 24) 1979 David L. Mulcahy, Gabrielle B. Mulcahy, and R. W. Robinson New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY 14456 Analysis of individual pollen grains offers a means of determining genetic ratios with only a single heterozygous plant. The large size of Cucurbita pollen makes it possible to use […]

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Gene Nomenclature Rules for the Cucurbitaceae

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 1:41-42 (article 38) 1978 R. W. Robinson New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY 14456 The Pickling Cucumber Improvement Committee voted unanimously on October 18, 1977, to adopt the proposed (1) nomenclature rules for genes of the Cucurbitaceae. Discussion at the annual PCIC meeting brought out the following considerations: Rule 1 states […]

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