1979 Resolution and Notes

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 2:ii-iiii (Introduction) 1979 Resolution and notes of organization meeting, October 28, 1976, Denver Hilton, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. The following resolution was adopted by research workers interested in organizing a Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative: The Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative is organized to develop and advance the genetics of economically important cucurbits. Membership to this […]

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1979 Watermelon Report

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) Improvement of watermelon with polyploids O.J. Eigsti (USA) CGC 2:25-26 (1979) Growing seedless hybrid (triploid) watermelons by direct seeding H.H. Partridge (USA) CGC 2:27 (1979) Preliminary report on association of Diabrotica resistance and morphological characters in watermelon B.B.Rhodes (USA) CGC 2:28 (1979) Race 2 anthracnose resistance in a watermelon line with a pale leaf […]

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1979 Melon Report

Melon (Cucumis melo) Pollen germination in interspecific crosses between muskmelon and some wild Cucumis species R.D. de Vaulx (France) CGC 2:20-21 (1979) A technique for improving fruit set by hand pollination and observations on optimum cultural conditions for fruit set under greenhouse conditions J.A. Principe and J.D. McCreight (USA) CGC 2:22 (1979) Varietal differences in growth of […]

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1979 Cucumber Report

1979 Report No. 2 Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) The effects of illumination, explant position, and explant polarity on adventitious bud formation in vitro of seedling explants of Cucumis sativus L. cv. ‘Hokus’ J.B.M. Custers and L.C. Buijs (The Netherlands) CGC 2:2-4 (1979) Breeding glabrous cucumber varieties to improve the biological control of the glasshouse whitefly O.M.B. de Ponti (The Netherlands) […]

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1978 Resolution and Notes

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 1:ii-iiii Introduction 1978 Resolution and notes of organization meeting, October 28, 1976, Denver Hilton, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. The following resolution was adopted by research workers interested in organizing a Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative: The Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative is organized to develop and advance the genetics of economically important cucurbits. Membership to this […]

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1978 Other Cucurbit Genera and Species

1978 Report No. 1 Other Genera and Species Dormancy of Cucumis species C. Heit, R.W. Robinson and W. Mishanec (USA) CGC 1:36-37 (1978) White fly resistance in Cucumis species E.Kowalewski and R.W. Robinson (USA) CGC 1:38 (1978) Interspecific crosses of Cucumis species J.D. Norton (USA) CGC 1:39 (1978) Comparative electrophoresis of isozymes of Cucumis species J.T. Puchalski, R.W. Robinson and J.W. Shail (USA) […]

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1978 Squash and Pumpkin Reports

Report No. 1 Squash and Pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.) The versatility of the feral buffalo gourd, Cucurbita foetidissima HBK W.P. Bemis (USA) CGC 1:25 (1978) Multiple virus resistance in Cucurbita species R. Provvidenti, R.W. Robinson and H.M. Munger (USA) CGC 1:26-27 (1978) Comparative electrophoretic analysis of isozymes in Cucurbita species J.R. Puchalski and R.W Robinson (Poland & USA) CGC 1:28 (1978) Genetic variation […]

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1978 Watermelon Reports

Report No. 1 Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) Potential uses of micropropagation for cucurbits  L.R. Barnes, F.D. Cochran, R.L. Mott and W.R. Henderson (USA) CGC 1:21-22 (1978) A watermelon bulk population with resistance to cucumber beetles O.L. Chambliss and J.D. Norton (USA) CGC 1:23 (1978) Watermelon: Breeding for resistance to Mycosphaeralla citrullina and Colletotrichum lagenarium J.D. Norton (USA) CGC 1:24 […]

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1978 Melon Reports

Report No. 1 Melon (Cucumis melo) Dwarf cantaloupe breeding L.W. Halsey (USA) CGC 1:17 (1978) Improving self-pollinations in muskmelon J.B. Loy and T. Natti (USA) CGC 1:17 (1978) Regulation of sex expression in gynomonoecious muskmelon for hybrid seed production J.B. Loy (USA) CGC 1:18 (1978) Cantaloupe: Breeding for resistance to Mycosphaerella citrullina, Meloidogyne incognita acrita and Diaphania nitidalis  J.D. […]

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