“Divided Leaf”, a Recessive Seedling Marker in Cucumber

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:24 (article 13) 1980 A.P.M. den Nijs and H.O. Mackiewicz Institute for Horticultural Plant Breeding, Wageningen, The Netherlands (first author); Department of Genetics, Research Institute of Vegetable Crops, Reguly, Poland (second author) A leaf mutant was obtained by Mackiewicz following ethylenimine treatment of several Polish pickling cucumber cultivars. The character seemed […]

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The Identity of Genes for Glabrousness in Cucumis sativus L.

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:14 (article 8) 1980 H. Inggamer and O.M.B. de Ponti Institute for Horticultural Plant Breeding, Wageningen, The Netherlands The occurrence of glabrous cucumber has been reported from the USSR and the USA. In the USSR the cucumbers in question are the spontaneous mutants Odnostebelnyi 33 and Mayak 422, which were found at […]

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Complementation Between Two Perfect Flowered Mutants in Cucumber

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:12-13 (article 7) 1980 A.F. Iezzoni and C.E Peterson University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 G.E. Tolla Campbell Institute of Agricultural Research, Napoleon, OH 43545 In 1928, Rosa reported simple inheritance for flower type in cucumber: M/- plants have pistillate flowers and m/m plants have perfect flowers. Over the past several years, we have […]

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Heterosis Estimates for Several Characteristics in a Cross Between a Gynoecious Inbred of Cucumis Sativus L. and C. hardwickii R.

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:20-21 (article 11) 1980 James Nienhuis and R. L. Lower University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706; R. R. Horton, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27650 Characteristics such as multiple laterals and prolific fruiting make Cucumis hardwickii a potentially useful source of germplasm in a breeding program to improve yield of pickling cucumbers […]

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Influence of Reciprocal Donor Scions on Fruit Setting Characteristics of Recipient Scions of Cucumis sativus and C. hardwickii R.

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:17-19 (article 10) 1980 James Nienhuis and R. L. Lower University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 Cucumis sativus cultivars average approximately 1 1/4 marketable fruit per plant in once-over mechanically harvested operations (5). Low fruit number per plant is presumably due to the inhibitory effect of the seed development of the first […]

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Pollen Receptivity of Different Areas of the Stigma in Cucumber

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:25 (article 14) 1980 R.W. Robinson and D.F. Heffernan New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY 14456 Pollen was placed with a dissecting needle on different areas of ‘Wisconsin SMR 18’ stigmas to determine the area of greatest receptivity. Five different areas of the stigma were pollinated including (1) the […]

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Effectiveness of AVG for Inducing Staminate Flowers on Gynoecious Cucumbers

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:22-23 (article 12) 1980 A.P.M. den Nijs Institute for Horticultural Plant Breeding, Wageningen, The Netherlands The amino-ethoxy of rhizobitoxine, amino-ethoxy-vinyl-glycine (AVG), inhibited ethylene production in muskmelon seedlings and improved fruit set following hand-pollination of emasculated muskmelon flowers (1). Staminate flowering in gynoecious cucumbers can be induced by gibberellins, silver nitrate (AgNO3) […]

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An Estimate of Heritability of Fruit Number from a Cross Between a Pickling Cucumber Inbred (Cucumis sativus L.) and an Inbred of C. hardwickii R.

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:10-11 (article 6) 1980 R.R. Horton Department of Horticulture, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27650 R.L. Lower and J. Nienhuis University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 Low fruit number per plant is the major factor in reducing yield of once-over mechanically harvested pickling cucumbers (4). Smith et al. (6) used a […]

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An Apetalous Male Sterile Mutant in Cucumber

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 3:9 (article 5) 1980 P.E. Grimbly Glasshouse Crops Research Institute, Littlehampton, BN16 3PU, United Kingdom A sterile plant with misshapen fruit was found in a crop of ‘Butchers Disease Resisting’ grown at the Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpeden, Herts, U.K. Plants obtained from cuttings were grown under glass at this institute for […]

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