Availability and Use of Interspecific Populations Involving Cucurbita moschata and C. pepo

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 13:49 (Article 20) 1990 Henry M. Munger Department of Plant Breeding, 252 Emerson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 In view of increasing interest in the transfer of traits between species of Cucurbita, it may be relevant to call attention to the existence of interspecific populations that we have maintained and […]

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1989 Squash and Pumpkin Report

Report No. 12 Squash and Pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.) Cucurbita moschata half-sib families collected in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic L. Wessel-Beaver and M.W. Carbonell (USA/Puerto Rico) CGC 12:68-69 (1989) Inheritance of mottled leaf in Cucurbita moschata Poir A. Ribeiro and C.P. da Costa (Brazil) CGC 12:70-71 (1989) List, description, and interactions of the genes affecting fruit color in Cucurbita […]

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Determination of Molecular Weight of Chloroplast DNA of Cucurbita pepo L. using Different Restriction Enzymes

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 12:84-85 (article 35) 1989 H.T. Lim and C. Boyer Department of Horticulture, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 Chloroplasts contain their own complement of DNA as well as protein synthesis apparatus. The chloroplast DNA (CpDNA) exists as covalently closed circular molecular molecules, ranging in size from 120 to 180 kilobase […]

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Control of Chlorophyll During Plant Development: Hypothesis

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 12:82-83 (article 34) 1989 Oved Shifriss 21 Walter Avenue, Highland Park, NJ 08904 The term “control” in the title pertains to a series of steps that transforms proplastids into chloroplasts, the organelles of chlorophyll synthesis. These steps occur in competent cells that are exposed to light. According to present hypothesis there […]

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Relationship between Gene B and Gene Ses-B in Cucurbita pepo L.

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 12:79-81 (article 33) 1989 Oved Shifriss 21 Walter Avenue, Highland Park, NJ 08904 Gene B conditions precocious depletion of chlorophyll. And the loss of chlorophyll is often associated with precocious yellow pigmentation. The primary target of B is the fruit (2). But B can also affect other potentially photosynthetic organs, depending […]

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List, Description and Interactions of the Genes Affecting Fruit Color in Cucurbita pepo

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 12:72-74 (article 31) 1989 Harry S. Paris Department of Vegetable Crops, Agricultural Research Organization, Newe Ya’ar Experiment Station, P.O. Haifa, Israel Cucurbita pepo L. contains a fascinating array of fruit colors. A few genes affecting fruit exterior color have been identified, and their preferred symbols and names were recently summarized (2) […]

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