Cucurbita moschata Planted at Four Latitudes

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 9:102-103 (article 33) 1986 D.W. Unander and F. Varela Ramfrez Depo. de Horticultura, Estacion Experimental Agricola, Apartado 506, Isabela, PR 00662 Cucurbita moschata Duch.ex Poir. is grown in temperate and tropical zones. ‘Ponca’ butternut, a vigorous selection in Nebraska (1), was observed to have a dwarfed unthrifty growth and small fruits […]

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Reducing Non-Genetic Variability of the Internal Color of Tropical Calabaza

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 9:100-101 (article 32) 1986 D.W. Unander and F. Varela Ramfrez Depo. de Horticultura, Estacion Experimental Agricola, Apartado 506, Isabela, PR 00662 Cucurbita moschata Duch., known in Spanish as calabaza (Cuba, Florida, Puerto Rico), auyama (Dominican Republic) or ayote sazon (Costa Rica), is an important vegetable throughout the Caribbean. Little breeding work […]

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Relationship between the B Genes of two Cucurbita Species

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 9:97-99 (article 31) 1986 Shifriss, O. Department of Horticulture and Forestry, Rutgers-The State University,New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Gene B conditions precocious depletion of chlorophyll in fruits of Cucurbita pepo L. And chlorophyll depletion is followed by precocious yellow pigmentation. In addition, B. can affect leaf blades depending upon the genetic background […]

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Occurrence of Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus in the United States in 1985

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 9:96 (article 30) 1986 R. Provvidenti Department of Plant Pathology, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University, Geneva, New York 14456, U.S.A. During the growing season of 1985, in the United States, zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) was more widespread than in any previous year. Epidemics occurred in the following […]

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Age Dependence for Organogenesis of Seed Explants from Four Cucurbita Accessions

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 9:93-95 (article 29) 1986 Lange, Nathan E., and J.A. Juvik Department of Horticulture, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801 A genotypic comparison in the in vitro organogenesis of explants from seeds was made on 4 accessions from the genus Cucurbita. Explants of seeds of different ages were tested to determine what […]

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Inheritance of Internode Length in an Interspecific Cross Cucurbita pepo x C. moschata

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 9:91-92 (article 28) 1986 Kwak, S.N. and J. Fujieda University Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Kasuyamachi, Fukuoa, Japan. We inherited a breeding program for combining the good flesh quality of C. moschata with the bush plant habit of C. pepo. Under a plastic-film house, bush plants have several advantages such […]

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Establishment of Seedling Test for Resistance to Phytophtora capsici Leonian in Cucurbita.

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 9:88-90 (article 27) 1986 Y. Kuginuki, I. Igarashi and T. Kanno Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Research Station, M.A.F.F. Ano, Agei, Mie, Japan 514-23 In Japan, the commercial varieties of pumpkin classified into Cucurbita maxima are widely cultivated. C. maxima seems to be susceptible to Phytophtora capsici compared with C. moschata on […]

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1986 Squash Reports

1986 Report No. 9 Squash and Pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.) Establishment of Seedling Test for Resistance to Phytophtora capsici Leonian in Cucurbita Y. Kuginuki, I. Igarashi and T. Kanno (MAFF, Ano, Agei, Mie, Japan) CGC 9:88-90 (1987) Inheritance of Internode Length in an Interspecific Cross Cucurbita pepo x C. moschata S.N. Kwack and J. Fujieda (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan) CGC 9:91-92 (1987) Age […]

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Breeding High Female Lines Through Interspecific Hybridization of Cucurbita

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 8:78-79 (Article 30) 1985 Kwack, Soo Nyeon and Kunimitsu Fujieda University Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Kasuyamachi, Fukuoka, Japan. The genetic variation available in C. maxima appears insufficient for high femaleness in sex expression. Interspecific crosses have been shown to increase genetic variation in Cucurbita (3). Crosses of C. pepo […]

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Lack of Resistance to Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus in Accessions of Cucurbita maxima

Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report 8:76-77 (Article 29) 1985 Provvidenti, R. New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University, Geneva, NY 14456 R. Alconero USDA Northeast Regional Plant Introduction Station, Geneva, NY 14456 Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) is one of the most destructive pathogens infecting cucurbits, and although of recent identification (1981), it is known […]

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