1983 Other Cucurbit Genera and Species Reports

Report No. 6

Other Genera and Species

  1. Mentor pollen in an interspecific cross in Cucumis: effects of irradiation dose and of order of application of the two types of pollen
    J.B.M. Custers and A.P.M. den Nijs (The Netherlands)
    CGC 6:94-95 (1983)
  2. An efficient procedure to screen for resistance to root knot nematodes in cucurbits
    A.P.M. den Nijs and K. Hofman (The Netherlands)
    CGC 6:96-98 (1983)
  3. The occurrence of zucchini yellow mosaic virus in the United States
    R. Provvidenti, D. Gonsalves and H. S. Humaydan (USA)
    CGC 6:99 (1983)
  4. Variation for interspecific crossability of Cucumis anguria L. and C. zeyheri Sond.
    D.L. Visser and A.P.M. den Nijs (The Netherlands)
    CGC 6:100-101 (1983)