2001 Other Cucurbit Genera and Species Reports

Report No. 24

Other Cucurbit Genera and Species

    1. Improving Culture Efficiency of Cucumis metuliferus Protoplasts
      I.J. Malik, T.L. Ellington, T.C. Wehner and D.C. Sanders (USA)
      CGC 24:97-101 (2001)
    2. Isolation and Callus Production from Cotyledon Protoplasts of Cucumis metuliferus
      W. H. McCarthy, T.C. Wehner, J. Xie and M.E. Daub (USA)
      CGC 24:102-106 (2001)
    3. Seed Treatment Effects on Emergence of Luffa Sponge Gourd
      W.H. McCarthy, T.C. Wehner, J. Xie and M.E. Daub (USA)
      CGC 24:107-109 (2001)