Vegetable Cultivar Descriptions for North America – Popcorn

Lists 1-27 Combined

Edited by William F. Tracy

Department of Agronomy
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI 53706

Burpee’s Peppy Hybrid – Breeder and vendor: W. Atlee Burpee Co., Philadelphia. Characteristics: F1 hybrid, early, two or three ears per stalk, white pointed and hulless kernels. Similar: Minhybrid. Adaptation: wide. Burpee catalog. 1958.

Carnival – Breeder: Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham. Vendor: Billy Hepler Seed Co. Parentage: Popinjay x Golden Tom Thumb. Characteristics: early, kernels pink, red, black, white, and yellow of good popping quality. Similar: Popinjay. Adaptation: northern United States. N.H. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 380:19. 1950.

Eastern Sunburst – Breeder and vendor: Eastern States Farmers’ Exchange, West Springfield, Mass. Parentage: cross of Yellow Pearl types from two sources. Characteristics: open-pollinated yellow with good standability. Adaptation: northern New England. E.S. catalog. 1957.

Fireside – Breeder: New Hampshire Agr. Expt. Sta., Durham, N.H. Parentage: Tom Thumb x Strawberry. Characteristics: early, dwarf plants, with two mahogany red or golden ears. Adaptation: general.

Popinjay – Breeder: Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham. Vendor: Colprit’s Nursery. Parentage: Pinky x New Hampshire Pearl. Characteristics: early, with variegated pink, black, and white kernels of good popping quality. Adaptation: northern United States. N.H. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 380:18. 1950.